
ЦентърБългарски институт по Египтология

The Journal of Egyptological Studies vol. II (2005)


The Journal of Egyptological Studies vol. II (2005)

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Sergej Ignatov. “The Red Line” in the Ancient Egyptian Story of the Shipwrecked Saylor, pp. 5-10.

Teodor Lekov. Ancient Egypt Notion of Ka according to the Pyramid Texts, pp. 11-37.

Emil Buzov. The social aspect of expression s3 s “son-of-men”, pp. 39-42.

Mladen Tomorad. Egyptian artifacts in the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula (Croatia), pp. 43-58.

Elka Koleva-Ivanov. Les relations entre Horus et le venin (mtw.t) dans le textes magiques, pp. 59-74.

Danijela Stefanović. The Holders of the Title iry pdt in the Period of the Middle Kingdom: Prosopography, pp. 75-88.