ЦентърБългарски институт по Египтология
The Journal of Egyptological Studies vol. IІI (2010)

The Journal of Egyptological Studies vol. IІI (2010)
Други публикации
Sergei Ignatov. Exploring the Morphology of Classical Egypt (Based on p Hermitage 1115 – The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor), pp. 5-43.
Teodor Lekov. The Shadow of the Dead and its representation, pp. 43-61.
Richard Parkinson. Why do we read Ancient Egyptian Literature?, pp. 61-66.
Emil Buzov. Ptahhotep Maxim 32 (P. Prisse 14,4 – 14,6), pp. 67-69.
Yordan Chobanov. The Notion of the Judge during the Middle Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, pp. 70-89.
Velichka Gotskova. Political and Economic Relations between Egypt and Hyksos at the End of the 17-th Dynasty, pp. 90-96.
Mark Geller. Some Notes on the History of the Alphabet (Honoris Causa Lecture held at New Bulgarian University), pp. 97-107.